May 15, 2015

Running Webdriver with Firebug and Selenium IDE addons


When you run webdriver script it will not have IDE and Firebug addons. How to Run Firefox with  Firebug and Selenium IDE addons??


Download Firebug xpi and Selenium IDE file from mozilla and start the firefox profile.

Below is the solution for that:


Download firebug.xpi and selenium-ide.xpi.

Firefox : 33
firebug version 2.0.9 (Get it from here : and download 2.0.9
Selenium IDe version : 2.9.0  ( Download selenium IDE.xpi and extract it. From extracted files you have to use selenium-ide.xpi.


Once the browser is launched then you can see Firebug and Selenium IDE are available in your browser. It will help you in debugging your scripts..

Below is the code:


  1. Thanks for taking time to explain about selenium IDE, it helped me more and quite useful for learning some new process.
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  2. very useful information thank you for sharing this. it should be easy with the adv version of chrome, but i need the same for IE. kindly share something for IE

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